Month: July 2021
Only install apps from trusted sources
Did you know that the most common method hackers use to spread malware is through apps and downloads? Only install apps from trusted sources such as Apple AppStore or Google Play. Occasionally an app with malware will make it through to an official app store, but not often.
Taking a look at business meetings
There’s a time and place for meetings, but too many meetings can have a detrimental effect on your team.
“Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It’s perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we’ve learned something from yesterday.” — John Wayne
Optimism is good, but keep it realistic
When you’re starting a business, keep it real. Realistic that is. Here’s why.
Life takes place
“The place between your comfort zone and your dream is where life takes place.” – Helen Keller
Honoring your top employees
Is there an Employee of the Month award offered in your department? If so, in what creative ways do you recognize and celebrate your outstanding employees’ achievements?
Amazon to open robotic fulfillment center
Amazon recently announced plans to open its first robotic fulfillment center. The new operations facility will create over 1,000 new, full-time jobs.